Quality afterschool programs are community-driven, expanded learning opportunities that support developmentally appropriate cognitive, social, physical, and emotional outcomes. In addition, these programs offer a balanced program of academic support, arts and cultural enrichment, recreation, and nutrition. Scottsbluff Public Schools offers two after school programs. These programs are located at Roosevelt, Lincoln Heights, Longfellow and Westmoor. All programs are grant funded through the 21st Century Grant.
Program Guidelines
Activities in the Scottsbluff Public School After-School Program include unstructured outdoor play, a snack, a structured activity, free time and homework time. These activities will be planned according to the age and number of participants.
Application: The application is available at each building. Pay close attention to medical information and emergency contacts. We must be able to reach a parent or parent designated person in case of an emergency. All paperwork must be completed before a child may attend.
Costs/Payment information:
Full Pay: $3.00/hour for each child
Free/Reduced Students: attend the program for free
You will be billed for the time the child is in the program. Bills will be sent out on or about the 1st of the month after services and will be due on the 15th of that month. Any payment not received by the 15th will be considered late. A late fee of $10.00 plus 1.5% will be assessed to any past due account.
Hours of Operation:
The program begins when school is dismissed and ends promptly at 5:50 pm. Your child needs to be picked up no later than 5:50 pm. If your child is not picked up, law enforcement will be called. We will not run the program on half or full days when school is dismissed early for in-service or vacations.
The After School Program is designed to be an alternative care option for families whose circumstances warrant the need for this service. This program is offered as a courtesy and not a right. We hope it will be a friendly and positive experience with some fun activities. This program must guarantee a safe environment for those attending. For this reason, if any child's behavior is deemed by the building principal to be unsafe, the result could be permanent removal from the program.
This publication/activity is supported in part by 21st Century Community Learning Center federal
funds under Title ІV, Part B of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as amended.
Enrollment Information
2024-2025 Application
2025-2026 Application